Aratama Suidou

Client :
Aratama Suidou
Term :
Works :
Award :
日本タイポグラフィ年鑑 2019 入選(JTA), Graphic Design in Japan 2018 入選(JAGDA)
  • 画像:Logo

愛媛 北条にある水道工事会社「新玉水道」。創業時からの想いを、今回初めてロゴマークとして図案化した。



Aratama Suidou is a plumbing company in Hojo, Ehime. The company’s vision from the time of its foundation has been visualised as a logo for the first time. The design is derived from the letter A, initial of Aratama, and the shape of a water drop. At the same time, the form represents the Latin word Aqua, to suggest the company’s identity closely linked to water. As a whole, the design also represents Hojo, the location which is surrounded by the sea and mountains. The letters sitting modestly on the bottom right of the logo gives an accent to the entire design and provides the necessary information. Deep navy and light blue are chosen for the cooperate colour to express the company with a high level of professionalism. This was achieved after countless adjustments to achieve a one and only design in which the features of the company being embodied.